Feature/Functionality | Benefit to You | Your Service Provider | CustomerInsight |
Prospective Buyer Surveys | Uncovering lost business helps your team stay on top of your competition and industry trends. | No | Yes |
Personalized Surveys | Your customer experience is unique and as such, so should your customer satisfaction surveys. | No | Yes |
Employee Reviews | Team satisfaction is directly related to high levels of customer satisfaction. | No | Yes |
Trade/Supply Reviews | 360 performance reviews uncover partnership challenges and help both sides drive productivity. | No | Yes |
Renovation Reviews | Offering surveys throughout a renovation may sound tricky to some survey companies. At CustomerInsight, we have you covered for all work type. | No | Yes |
Rental/Tenant Reviews | Switching to CustomerInsight means offering surveys to new types of customers as your company evolves. | No | Yes |
Survey Administration (Text, Email & Phone) | A multi-mode approach to help achieve 60% response rates and higher. | Yes | Yes |
Home Owner Mark of Excellence Awards | Winning awards may be a bi-product of your hard work. Your team can create goals and track their performance throughout the year so they know they are on track to attain the results you expect. | No | Yes |